
Experience Yourself

access once in a lifetime experiences of expanded states of consciousness with master facilitators, sanctuary locations, confidentiality and medical oversight

Concierge Medicine for Psychedelic Therapy

Inscape curates private and custom experiences for leaders, families, business forums and impact communities. We create once in a lifetime psychedelic retreats led by master facilitators in discreet sanctuary locations.

After a deep exploration of the world of psychedelics, we designed a curriculum to provide access to the leading experiences and top specialists in the world.

Our expertise lies matching guests with the right facilitator and experience for where they are in their journey.

Strict confidentiality, trust, expertise and medical safety are the foundation of our work.

It has been my therapeutic experience that even those most accomplished, lack a core permission to live their lives: to feel what they feel, desire what they desire and to pursue what their soul intends. Such permission cannot be granted by another: It must be seized by a person who decides it is time to show up.
- James Hollis, Psychotherapist

Evolutionary Wellbeing

Inscape was born from the need for curation of trustworthy and impeccable psychedelic experiences and practitioners. We spent years identifying and building relationships with facilitators and therapists operating at the apex of this transformational work. Our faculty embodies the highest levels of ethics, safety, skill and humility.

We take a serious approach to medical safety, screening, preparation and integration coaching. Our team understands how to optimize set and setting to create the conditions to unlock your exponential growth and transformation.

Inscape’s vision is to nurture lifelong relationships with our guests and support them in living healthier, more aligned and authentic lives of impact.

Thank you,

Alex & The Inscape Faculty

Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.

- Terrence McKenna, Philosopher